Application Controls
The best Citrix/RDS Propalms, Thinstuff & GoGlobal Alternative
All-in-one solution for Remote Access and Web Portal
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ServerLink embedded Application Control function where administrator allow to Publish any application available in the server for clients to access based on user account. Administrator required to click on user name and check on the published application to assign the permitted application to specified user. Application Control can be assign by users or by users group.

Hide Server Drives: The easiest tool to secure your Terminal Server disk drives!
ServerLink Hide Server Drives tool enables the Terminal Services (TSE) or Citrix administrator to easily hide the server disk drives when users open a remote session. ServerLink Hide Server Drives does more than just hide the Terminal Server drives. It also hides all of the root folders and the user profile folders of the 2003/2008 Terminal server. Doing so, a user browsing files within a session will see nothing: neither the server drives, nor any of the other users "Document and Settings" folders, system and data files. ServerLink Hide Server Drives is a very easy to use, efficient and smart program to secure your TSE or Citrix server drives (Windows 2008, Windows 2003 or W2000 servers).