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2 or more ServerLink Servers in a LAN with 1 Router

- Both ServerLink Host PC/Server required a separate LAN IP address (as sample image above)
- Each host/server RDP port number, HTTP & HTTPS port number must be unique, do not duplicate port number is the same network.
- Configure port forwarding respectively for both the Server IP and port numbers on the single router.
- Only one Dynamic Hostname will be enough to configure on the router. (certain model of router is accepted 2 or more Dynamic Hostname)

Client Connection to the desired server is determined by the port number.

Assumed remote client access to server 1 via...
Remote Desktop connection:
Web Access HTTP:
Secure Web HTTPS:

Assumed remote client access to server 2 via...
Remote Desktop connection:
Web Access HTTP:
Secure Web HTTPS:

2 Dynamic Hostname for 1 Router Network

Certain router supports more than 2 Dynamic Hostname. 
Alternately, you may setup the Dynamic Hostname Updater software to the host PC/Server with select one or two or three hostnames.

Please note, all the hostname you selected are pointing back to the same Public IP address from the only router. Therefore to determine which server to be connected is subjected to the Port Number you put after the dynamic hostname.

example: Assumed remote client access to server 1 via...
Remote Desktop connection:
Web Access HTTP:
Secure Web HTTPS:

Assumed remote client access to server 2 via...
Remote Desktop connection:
Web Access HTTP:
Secure Web HTTPS:

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